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2019-03-15 来源:ATD
作者:Geri Lopker
You have completed the training needs analysis. You have documented the results and confirmed with the business unit manager that training is indeed warranted, because you have confirmed a lack of needed skills and knowledge. For part two of my three-part series, I’m sharing 10 tips that will help you design learner-centered training. 
1.Don’t start at the beginning. Instead, find out what learners already know so that you can connect that knowledge to your upcoming training program. Don’t teach what they already know; teach what they need to know next. 
1. 不要从头开始。反之,先去了解学员本身已知哪些知识以便你能在学员的已知知识与未来的培训项目之间建立联系。不要教学员任何他们已知的东西;而要教他们接下来应该去了解的知识。
2.Malcom Knowles, father of adult learning theory, tells us how important it is for the learners to have a compelling reason to learn the new knowledge and skills. Design your training overview so that it ties directly to success in their current position, or success in a future position.
2. 成人学习理论的创始人Malcom Knowles曾说过要让学员学习新知识和新技能,必须要有让他们信服的理由。因此,在设计你的培训概览时,一定要给出充分的学习理由,让学员相信,新知识和新技能的学习对其要在目前职位或未来职位上取得成功是有紧密联系的。
3.Design your face-to-face course with Bob Pike’s 90-20-8 rule in mind: Don’t make your lesson longer than 90 minutes, change the pace every 20 minutes, and involve the learner every eight minutes. 
3. 在设计面对面课程时,请牢记Bob Pike提出的90-20-8规则:课程时长不超过90分钟,每20分钟转换教学节奏,且每8分钟引起学员的注意力。
4.Designing e-learning or a synchronous leader-led webinar? Then change your training design to my 60-10-4 rule. Every 60 minutes, announce a short break. Put a slide in your deck that shows people standing and stretching. Stretching will get the blood flowing again and improve learning. Change the pace every 10 minutes and, at minimum, involve learners every four minutes. Ask them to respond to a question with a green check or red x, have them chat their responses to a question, or give them time to complete an activity. 
4. 你是否要设计线上学习课程或是由领导者组织的同步网络研讨会呢?如果时的话,就请牢记我提出的60-40-4规则。每60分钟让学员有一个短期休息,给一张人们或战或拉伸身体放松的幻灯片。身体的拉伸运动有助于血液加速流动,改善人们的学习效果。每10分钟转换教学节奏并且至少每4分钟引起学员的注意力。比如你可以问学员一个正负判断题,让学员们给出自己的答案,给他们时间去完成一个小活动等。
5.Using your analysis data, draft criteria-based learning objectives. What will the learners be able to do as a result of this training course? Robert Mager suggests writing an objective with an observable action and at least one measurable criterion or standard, and the actual conditions needed to accomplish the objective. For example: Given a loan file and the LoanMe computer program, the credit analyst will locate and stipulate necessary loan documents at 98 percent accuracy in 20 minutes per file. 
5. 根据你的分析数据,尝试制定标准化的学习目标。回答这样一个问题:培训课程的成果是什么?学员们培训之后能够做些什么?Robert Mager认为在制定目标时,最起码要清晰列出为达成目标需要做出的可见行动、至少一项可测量的指标以及要完成目标所需的具体条件。就好比要客户要先提供贷款文件、执行了贷款电脑程序,信用分析师才能准确地在20分钟内查找并确保针对每个客户他需要哪些借贷文件并保证文件的准确率能达到98%及以上。
6.How will you know if the learners have learned it? Create your evaluation strategy in the design phase! What level of expertise do you expect them to achieve by the end of the training course? What performance tests will you use during and after the course that help assure transfer back on the job. 
6. 你能够如何得知学员们已然习得某些知识呢?要做到这一点就必须在设计培训课程的阶段就制定好培训评估策略!策略要包括你期待培训课程结束后你的学员能掌握哪个层级的专业技术,在课程结束后你又要用什么样的绩效测试来确保学员在工作中的知识转化率等。
7.Decide which instructional methods will help learners acquire the competence and confidence to use their new knowledge and skills on the job. Typical instructional methods include lecture, case study, demonstration with practice, review games, role play, self-reflection, debate, group discussion, read and discuss, and simulations. 
7. 判断什么样的教学方式能够帮助学员培养能力、树立其在工作中应用新知识和新技能的信心。经典的教学法包括了讲授、案例研究、实践展示、回顾游戏、角色扮演、自我反思、辩论、团队讨论、阅读及讨论及实境模拟。
8.Using your analysis data, design the training course with the best sequence. Decide which order of lessons will enhance learning, so that each lesson builds upon the others. 
8. 根据你的分析数据,设计最合理的培训课程顺序。准确判断什么样的授课顺序能够一环扣一环以提高学习效率。
9.Try these typical sequencing options, as suggested by Don Clark: 
9. 请尝试使用由Don Clark建议的以下集中典型的课程顺序排列:
•start to finish or job performance order: the learning sequence is the same as the job sequence.  
•simple to complex: learning sequence starts with simple concepts and increases in complexity. 
•critical sequence: learning activities are ordered in terms of relative importance.
•known to unknown: familiar topics are covered before unfamiliar topics.
•dependent relationships: mastery of one objective depends on prior acquisition of a previous objective.
10. Complete your design document. Review this with the business unit manager and the subject matter experts to validate that you have included everything that they need to know, not everything that there is to know! 
10. 形成设计文件。与业务部门经理及业务专家一起回顾设计文件,确认培训课程是否包含了所有学员需要学习的知识,而不仅仅是他们不了解的知识!(本文于2016年发布)











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